- 22 Kallang Avenue #03-02 Hong Aik Industrial Building, Singapore 339413
0.004 SGD
(-%) 28/03 1:06 SGT
AP New Energy Pte Ltd was established in 2023 to lead the diversification of business in the renewable energy sector. With a focus helping asset owners transition towards sustainable energy, we aim to provide innovative and cost-efficient solutions to asset owners.
Make your spare roof space work harder for you with APNE Solutions.
Off-set your current electricity bill, and maybe even make some additional income with a customized Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
Installing solar can be complicated, requiring different regulatory approvals, and regular maintenance, but APNE Energy Solutions can help make it a completely seamless process (barring YOUR approval and signing the PP.
Our team of specialists partners will design, procure and install, sort out the administration and finance your project, keeping you updated every step of the way. We would even bundle in yearly maintenance and a platform for you to see how the sun is reducing your expenses.
At APNE, we will work with you to help you achieve your solarization needs.
APNE will finance and install the solar systems at no cost to you.
*subject to approved PPA
Lockdown a discounted rate to your current package for up to 25 years!
Monitor your solar production and get notifications from our platform
Reach out to your us , and we will conduct site visit, answer any questions and propose the best solution
Receive a Power Purchase Agreement which details the agreed solar tariff and terms of the agreement.
Upon completing PPA , installation process will begin till its plugged in. From there, enjoy the solar savings
Short answer is, you might not have to pay anything (if you don’t want to).
If you are willing to sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) where you will save money off your current bill, APNE Solutions will propose something so we can be in a win-win scenario
A solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a mutually negotiated agreement where APNE Solutions will use the solar energy generated from your PV installation, to PAY for your installation costs!
There, win-win!
PPAs last 15-25 years in general, but they are largely customizable to allow flexibility to both parties.
APNE owns and maintains the solar PV system.
If you decide to sell the building/terminate lease early, the buyer would have to take over the contract.
Feel free to let us know your circumstances and concerns so we can address early
APNE or AP New Energy, is a new 100% subsidiary of AsiaPhos Limited, which is listed on SGX Catalist board.
APNE was set up in 2023 to fully focus on renewable energy development and we’re in the business of setting up and managing solar installations with our partners
We do mostly industrial, but we can definitely do residential as well. However, we can only offer PPAs for large scale residential, not individual houses
Yes, please contact us and we will try to help advise and even finance your project
We are a company dedicated to creating a sustainable future. Transitioning away from our roots in phosphate mining, we now focus on a variety of initiatives to provide for a sustainable future.
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